In 1926, the deputy and grain trader Louis Louis-Dreyfus founded the Arbitration Chamber of Paris. At that time, the French Cour de Cassation considered void an arbitration clause incorporated into a contract. It’s the Chamber of Arbitration’s founder who managed for the 31 December 1925 law to be voted on. This law softened the regime applicable to arbitration clauses in commercial matter.

The CAIP is a non-profit institution with general expertise which aims at making available to companies of every size the necessary means to resolve their dispute through arbitration or mediation.

The International Arbitration Chamber of Paris was associated to the grain trading sector and has since then expanded its expertise to other industrial and commercial sectors. Nowadays, the CAIP’s expertise is truly general since it intervenes in all types of economic disputes.

It is now the most ancient arbitral center in activity in France and the first European institution on a statistical level. More than 40.000 disputes in relation to commercial and industrial activities where settled through its intervention, making it an institution with international reputation.

A pragmatic approach

The CAIP resolves disputes in area as diverse as the agribusiness sector, operations of transports and divestiture of companies, franchise and distribution contracts, intellectual property, etc.

It offers simple, prompt, confidential, affordable proceedings.

The CAIP partnered with some of its members to create specific rules of arbitration adapted to the particular practices and customs of each industry (franchise, intellectual property…).

An international mission

More than half of the arbitrations brought before the CAIP are international: 70% of them involve at least one foreign party; 30% of them involve two foreign parties.

Committed professionals

The CAIP is run by a board of directors composed of association and professional syndicates’ representatives who wish to preserve in the best possible way commercial and industrial companies’ competitiveness.

In order to bring solutions to its members, partners, business executives and in a broader sense, to any person who wish to find out more about arbitration or mediation, the Chamber offers custom made trainings.

The Chamber organizes events and takes part in seminars to promote amicable settlement, especially for companies who wish to focus on their main activity and maintain their relationship with their partners, even in case of difficulties.

Connected to a variety of commercial and
industrial activities, the CAIP has heard more than 40.000 disputes since its creation.

Our ambition: to inform, to educate, to accompany

Our values: rigueur, respect, expertise

Our uniqueness: excellence at an affordable price



Baudoin Delforge is Chair of the CAIP.


Arnau Puig Tiemblo  is the CAIP Secretary General.

The secretariat is also composed by counsel specialized in arbitration and working in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. .


Créée en 2024, la commission est un organe composé de praticiens et spécialistes en arbitrage qui assiste le secrétariat dans l’administration des arbitrages soumis au règlement d'arbitrage de la CAIP, notamment en ce qui concerne la constitution du tribunal arbitral et la jonction d'arbitrages.

It is composed of Baudoin Delforge (CAIP Chairman), Philippe Delebecque (law professor at  Panthéon-Sorbonne University) and Jean-Claude Magendie (former judge).



Created in 2011, the Scientific Board brings together scholars, lawyers, judges and recognized professionals in the field of arbitration and mediation to assist in the development of the CAIP's activity, to reinforce its effectiveness, and to help in the elaboration of the program and the conduct of the training courses offered by the CAIP.  Its purpose is also to reflect upon, and disseminate, the law and practice of arbitration and mediation.

It is currently chaired by François-Xavier Train (law professor at Paris Nanterre University) and also includes Xavier Boucobza (law professor at Paris-Saclay University), Bruno Bouvat-Martin (former vice-president of AXEREAL), Claire Debourg (law professor at Paris Nanterre University), Louis Degos (partner at K&L Gates), Hervé Delannoy (general counsel at Rallye SA), José Manuel Garcia Represa (partner at Wordstone Dispute Resolution), Elie Kleiman (partner at Jones Day), Malik Laazouzi (professor of law at Paris-Panthéon-Assas University), François Mailhé (professor of law at Jules Verne Picardie University), Jacques Pellerin (partner at PKM Avocats) and Luc Piton (honorary broker).



La CAIP fait intervenir des arbitres et des médiateurs spécialisés dans différents secteurs
d’activité et aux compétences pointues.


The CAIP has signed several partnerships with foreign arbitration centers:


The Russian Arbitration Association is a Russian center for arbitration which promotes alternative resolution mechanisms in Russia.

On 23 October 2014, the International Arbitration Chamber of Paris and the Russian Arbitration Association have signed a cooperation agreement where they offer mutual assistance in the constitution of arbitral tribunals and trainings. This agreement also promotes the development of international arbitration and alternative resolution mechanisms by facilitating information exchange and publication.

CIETAC (China)

The China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) is one of the principle arbitration institution. Formerly known as the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission, CIETAC was set up in April 1956 under the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT). This arbitration commission was first renamed as Foreign Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission in 1980 and then as the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission in 1988.

Since 2000, CIETAC is also known as the Arbitration Court of the China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC).

Headquartered in Beijing, CIETAC has sub-commissions in Shanghai, Shenzhen, Chongqing and Tianjin respectfully known as Shanghai Sub-Commission, South China Sub-Commission in Shenzhen, Southwest Sub-Commission in Chongqing and Tianjin International Economic and Financial Arbitration Center (Tianjin Sub-Commission).

In order to meet its arbitration practices’ development needs, CIETAC also signed in 2011 a Cooperation agreement with the CAIP.


The arbitration and mediation chamber of São Paulo (Fecomercio Arbitral) was created in partnership with CAIP. It is located in Brazil and presided by lawyer Dr. Ives Gandra da Silva Martins. Its purpose is to favor alternative resolution mechanisms like arbitration, mediation, conciliation and to help Brazilian and international companies find prompt solutions to their dispute.


The International Mediation and Arbitration Center in Rabat is an independent institution created on 12 February 2004 by the Commerce, Industry and Services Chamber of Rabat. Its goal is to settle disputes through arbitration and/or mediation. Furthermore, it also promotes alternative dispute resolution for economic, legal and judicial actors. This institution is well-known in Morocco and internationally.

CABCBUE (Argentina)

The Cámara Arbitral de la Bolsa de Cereales was founded on 26 May 1905, by a group of grains producers, members of the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange. This Argentinian institution is the combination of more than a century of experience. It offers the essential services required for the grains, by-products or foodstuffs trade.

The Cámara Arbitral de la Bolsa de Cereales and CAIP have signed in June 2011 a cooperation agreement for mutual collaboration and technical assistance in order to reach common objectives.

EDAC (Turkey)

The Energy Dispute Arbitration Center is a sectoral arbitration center established on 21 October 2020 within the Energy Law Research Institute in Ankara, Turkey. It was created to solve disputes regarding Energy and Infrastructure Law between companies in Central Asia, Europe, Balkans, Middle East and Africa.

On 9 March 2021, was signed a Memorandum of understanding to promote alternative dispute resolution mechanisms and an arbitration culture. This agreement’s purpose is to cooperate widely by offering mutual legal support, by developing the exchange of information and publications and by doing favors for each other.